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Unlock/Reset Password

You will require your Student ID Number to unlock/reset your password.

To unlock/reset your password visit and follow the instructions on that page to unlock/reset your password.

Did you know you can reset unlock/reset your account as many times you need to.

Did you know that this service is available 24/7.

Note that if you reset your college password you might have to wait around 30 minutes for the password to be ready to use.


Accessing your Email

To access your email visit

You will be prompted with a Enter Username box

Enter your College email address. It will be in the format of your college username followed by....


Student Office Login with Email


The next screen will ask you to enter your College Password. This will be your normal college password.

Enter your College password.

Student Office Login with Password

Note that if you reset your college password you might have to wait around 30 minutes for the password to be ready for your college emails.

After entering your password correctly you will be logged into outlook and your college inbox will open up.

Forgot your password... you can reset it here


Using Teams

You can download the Microsoft Teams App by visiting

You can also download Teams for your Mobile Device by visiting your device's App store.

Teams Download Options


After choosing the "Download Desktop" option press the Download Teams button to start downloading Teams.

Teams Download Button


After you download and successsfully install the App you can start Teams by double clikcing on the Teams Icon.

Teams Icon


You will be prompted for a username and password for Teams. Here you will use the same details you would if you were logging into your college emails.

Enter your College email address.


Teams Icon


The next screen will ask you to enter your College Password. This will be your normal college password.

Enter your College password.

Student Office Login with Password.

Note that if you reset your college password you might have to wait around 30 minutes for the password to be ready for Teams.

After entering your password correctly you will be logged into Teams and the App will open up.

Forgot your password... you can reset it here


Teams at a Glance

Short video: Using Teams Classes from a Student View

Tips with Teams
  • Try whenever possible to use your college account (email and password) to access teams.
  • Your lecturer will add you to Teams Classes. If you are in the wrong class or you don't have any classes then please contact your lecturer to assign you to the correct class. A quick way to check is to look at the members in the Team Class.
  • If you are having issues with your Microphone or Camera then please follow this guide on how to enable Privacy settings for Teams Microphone and Camera.

Forgot your password... you can reset it here


Free copy of Microsoft Office

You can download a free copy of Microsoft Office by visiting

Sign in using your College Email and Password

You will be prompted for a username and password for Office. Here you will use the same details you would if you were logging into your college emails.

Enter your College email address.


Office SignIn


The next screen will ask you to enter your College Password. This will be your normal college password.

Enter your College password.

Student Office Login with Password


Once logged in you will see a Install Office button near the Top Left

Forgot your password... you can reset it here

Note that if you reset your college password you might have to wait around 30 minutes for the password to be ready.